Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

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At least mike can admit it! like little sheep you all are....BAAAAAAA
It's bad folks no matter what side you are on. Follow the money! It's a shame. This City is in trouble as long as our current leaders foster this CLOSE city government/Private business relationship. The lines get blurred to easily and then citizens get left behind.
If we were voting for something that could MAKE this city money. Like a NASCAR track or the largest amusement park in the world. I'd understand a little more and I'm not a NASCAR fan. Voting for MONEY pits? I just don't understand this stuff. I guess people from all around this country are going to come to OKC and use our FREE park, trails, and aquatic centers....LOL..What a joke.
That's what's happening. Why do you think they've garnered every connected person they can think of and are running dramatic speeches and commercials.
Oh well. A few short days and we'll be done. Whether it's MAPS YES OR NO. The same disgusting relationship will be steering this city and not it's citizens. Only a select few and that's truly a shame.
Every city fosters a public/private relationship with local companies. It's how the world works. Those private companies employ people in the private world, people like me.
The $700 million that OKC just finished forking over for OKCPS improves the educational environment, but does it make the city MONEY? No, but what it does is create a better environment for children to thrive in learning.
Maybe you don't understand the concept of quality of life, but I do. There is a difference between some lame ass corner green patch that's called a "park" that has a swingset and monkey bars. Oklahoma City has enough of those.
More trails and a white water course? More opportunities for people to get outdoors. Maybe lop off some pounds and in turn lower their medical costs which lowers our medical costs, which means less 911 calls to emergency services whenever they have a medical breakdown from obesity or smoking their heads off, which leads to less stress on your staffing shortage. I mean, every smoker I've known who gets out and starts exercising begins complaining about their lung shortage, and eventually they push themselves to stop smoking.
New convention center? More convention BUSINESS. Who wants to set up exhibits in a boring concrete lockbox whose dimensions rarely meet today's convention standards? The ballrooms are just too damn small. But all conventions, by rule of thumb, bring in money from out of town. Well, what do ya know, it DOES make us money. A NASCAR track is a $1 billion venture that is taken on by private entreprenuers, not by the city.
Continue the Renaissance!!!