Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
Its not because I dont believe in or want OKC to progress.
Its I dont trust the elected officials.
They cant seem to deliver city services as it stands now.
We're in a budget shortfall, we're asking the low income and fixed income to pay for this for a lot longer then previously.
The mass transit portion for example is a small size, and most likely not alleviate any traffic jams or heavy use areas.
Let them come to us with smaller projects and we can judge the progress as we go.
Why are we going for the convention/tourism dollar only?
If in addition with MAPS we had a more diverse population and lose the "redneck" mentality that still bubbles inside a sizable population here in OKC.
Do you know what in addition grows a city?
Its the welcome mat towards diversity,& creative people.
MAPS 3 is what will deliver us the diversity and make this place a better city for creative people. Thanks gmwise for your support of MAPS 3!