First off in reference to the parking....yes they'll have to pay for a parking tag like every other student. Last time I bought one at OCU, they were about a 1/4 of what an OU commuter pays though. Duh, it's college, you still have to pay for a tag...but $35 a YEAR for a tag is far better than $7 a day in a garage/lot. FYI - Law students can buy commuter tags and park in the commuter don't have to give any proof for a commuter tag like you do for resident tags.

As for the security issue...I gurantee the school would handle it. OCU is already in the middle of cracktown and has a better security profile than OU or UCO by far. There are more security officers per student than at any school in the state....and they do their job very well. Are they going to be able to 100% prevent things from happening? No. But the school is also going to take into account where this building is. I 'm sure they'll put up decorative fencing like what's around Cokesbury on campus (without the missing slats). and I'm absolutely sure a security detail (1 or 2 officers) would be assigned to the site. How else are they going to be able to write tickets? LOL. But seriously, they're going to make sure that their students are safe at all hours. They'll increase lighting in the area, security cameras, etc. I have complete faith that if OCU pursues the project, that they will do it right.

I still think being on campus is a better idea, and I've never seen any arguement that makes me feel otherwise...and probably won't turn not matter what anyone says simply because of how OCU operates (we're not OU and the HSC). HOWEVER, if OCU is the one that develops this land, I have all faith that it will be done at the highest possible level of detail. If anyone doubts it, go check out the most recent building construction on campus...they know how to do it right. Hell, the Bass Center is the envy of any music school in the country. It kicks Catlett's tail at OU by a mile!