but Wambo, Andy seems not to understand what a TIF is nor how Devon's TIF being loaned ahead of time to OKC benefits the city (and Andy).

As for Devon's money - if Nichols does not build a skyscraper, then NO TIF - and therefore can keep his money. If he builds a skyscraper, he could have demanded the city give him a portion of the TIF for his skyscraper (as most developers in most cities do).

But Larry did not do this. In fact, Larry is insisting that the money go to improve DOWNTOWN and is even giving the money ahead of when it SHOULD be paid. In case you still don't understand, TIF is assessed based on present value of property. So in this case, assume Devon's property is worth close to zero (so zero property tax - for argument's sake; we know in reality it is worth more but probably not more than a few 10,000 in property tax)....

Now, in 2013 - when OK county does an assessment, the property will be worth $750M and therefore the TIF would collect the increase. BUT instead of waiting until 2013 to pay the TIF, DEVON is loaning the city the money NOW to do improvements in the TIF zone (hence the name, DEVON TIF). ...

This is a class act, and I wish more people 'donated' their tax money to the city before they even needed to pay it in the first place.

As for the city paying interest on the loan, isn't it only fair that this is the case? Can the city issue any bond or get any loan from a bank and not pay interest? Why would one expect a business who agrees to pay their future tax increment 3 years before it is even assessed as such - to give that money to the city without DEVON realizing the premium associated with it's current cash value (for all of those finance majors out there ... haha).

Have YOU ever prepaid ANY tax 3 years ahead of time based on projections that may or may not be correct? Have YOU ever given a bank or financial instrument YOUR MONEY that did not pay you Interest?

I don't think this is that hard to figure out - DEVON is a true asset to downtown OKC and there is NO PERSON in my opinion who could cry foul on anything Nichols is doing. He could have easily asked Houston to defer 20 years of tax and assist with building the skyscraper down there - and you know what - Houston would have done it too!