Hey this could just be me...but has anyone else noticed that the police seem to have a stepped up aggressive posture these days?
I used to never get speeding tickets in OKC, but have had three in the last year - I'm not driving any faster than I have in the past and generally try to keep it within 5/10 over at the very most. The last three tickets they have consistently said I was going 5/7 mph more than what my speedometer read when I've been pulled over.
Also, and this kind of freaked me out, I was driving to the thunder game yesterday and was driving to la luna to grab a bite. I turned on 10th street from broadway to try an approach from the west to avoid the Ford Center traffic. A police officer turned and followed me nearly the whole time.
I can't think what I could have possibly been doing wrong or to raise any suspicion. I drive a late model Volvo, Tag is current, lights are good - and I'm pretty clean cut. Still, I was being followed...and I was freaked out because everytime those lights flash behind me it seems to work out to about $125 dollars outta my pocket.
Is it just bad luck, or?