The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is having a fun event on Tuesday, October 13th with an interesting panel of OKC bloggers. The bloggers/panelists will be Steve Lackmeyer, Blair Humphreys, and Jeff Click. Everyone probably already knows Steve. Blair is also well-known in urban planning circles, plus he is kind of the “founder” of ULI Oklahoma. Jeff is a major suburban home builder and the president of the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association.

We will discuss a range of important issues -- like MAPS 3 and what makes for a good real estate development -- from an Urban vs. Suburban perspective. Plus, we take a large number of questions from the audience. These events tend to be very participatory, which is what makes them fun. The event, called “Real Estate Roulette” (the reason for the name will be apparent if you attend), will be at Midtown Deli from 5:30PM – 7:00PM. To find out more, you can check out this link:

The Urban Land Institute

(Note to Mods: I hope this post is appropriate, given the subject matter and people involved. However, if you disagree, please accept my sincere apologies and feel free to move/pull the post. Thanks!)