Larry, could it be that OKC doesn't need a 20,000 seat NBA arena to be profitable? Maybe 18,500 will do it.

Seattle's seating (I live there) is horrible by comparison to most NBA cities, so there is NO WAY they could ever make up the revenue. And the building could not be expanded again. So the only thing to do in Seattle was rebuild or build new. And in Seattle, things cost a bit more than OKC.

Now, back to OKC - I think it is awesome that Bennett and Co can make their due with less, but focus on quality. This will surely put OKC among the top luxury NBA arenas and that's where it counts.

Sure, there are larger luxury NBA arenas but they are in Chicago and Detroit - both cities with very large populations (Chicago anyways) and great bball tradition. I like OKC's focus on quality as opposed to quantity.

besides, this will eliminate the butts in the seats complaints that many Ford Center patrons have been complaining about!