We have a lawyer that will not call me back. He is paid in full, but has not lived up to his contractual agreement. My husband ran into him at his office in june while delivering a check. At that time he hadn't called me back for over a month. He told my husband we would be getting a letter for our case soon. We got a letter in August but not from our lawyer (from DHS). I mailed the info to DHS, made copies and delivered them to the lawyer in August with his check. He cashed the check but never called me back. I went up to his office and caught him in September. He looked confused when I asked hi why DHS had contacted me instead of him and he said he never saw the DHS letter....but I assured him it was in the package I left. He said he would call me that night or the next day. He That has been 4 weeks ago and he still will not call me back. I call at least every week and sometimes twice.
I have used him before about 3 years ago and this time we started with him in March.
So what do you do when a lawyer won't call you back and it doesnt seem like he has done anything for us.