not meaning to seem petty, but some mild paranoia is showing.

We have silos. We have large steel other things. We have pastures, inside the city limits no less. So do other folkds, but we seem to obsess on these things more.

Also, lots of folks in the metro area wouldn't know who KD is unless he was in uniform or with an adequate crowd that you might start making the connection and checking the memory banks. I've heard of him and seen him, sure. However, put him in a polo and slacks and plop him at a bar or a local dining spot and I could sit down next to him and not have a clue, unless he said something to bring it up or someone else approached him and mentioned it.

I don't hate bball, not at all, but I'm no more than an occasional watcher. About the same for football folks. Bradford of OU I would recognize because he reminds me of a younger version of someone I know, and as the chap I know doesn't do time travel, I'd probably notice him and then recall 'oh yeah, bet that's Bradford.'

Most folks here bouts don't seem to mob someone who is famous. Sure, some will, but by and large, it's just respectful not to assert yourself onto someone who is out and about, simply trying to be in hopes of a nice evening. And as noted, some of us can sit near a king and be none the wiser.