Updates everyone?? Thunder did you quit? Townhero how's it going? Daveskater - great idea. Visual reminders are awesome.
Today is my 30 day mark! I honestly didn't think I would make it this far. I had to quit the Chantix after 3 weeks, I had a rare reaction to it that was mainly due to my low levels of iron and immune system. Anyway, my mouth looked like I had a serious STD for a week...gross...but it's all cured and I still am not smoking. If you take it make sure you have normal iron and b-12 levels. If they are normally low, take supplements and you will be fine. Other than that, I didn't have any negative side effects other than weird dreams - but I liked those. The prescription is now $145 a month without insurance coverage, mine does not cover it. Even though I only spent about $50 a month on smokes (if that much, with coupons and the camel guys going around to the bars) - the money is totally worth it. It really works. I have quit a million times and it's never been like this. I don't have any urges, no cravings, being around smoke doesn't bother me at all, and I haven't cheated once with even a drag of one. I recommend trying it if you really want to quit. If you can follow the directions and stick with it, the longer you are on it the easier it is to quit. Some people tried to only take it a month and quit on their own the rest of the way and ended up smoking again.
On a sidenote...yogurt is a miracle cure for lots of things. lol.