Many states are adopting their own variety of PikePass system; in Texas its TollTag, etc.

One of the "fringe" problems that many of these systems do not address (primarily due to their relative infancy) is their lack of interoperability, eg ability to allow an electronic toll tag from, say, Oklahoma, to be used to debit an account for a road used in Texas.

As Texas (and other) states migrate their toll systems away (completely) from cash booths to exclusively electronic tolling systems, customers are led to purchase a toll tag of some denomination, and "refill" it periodically. Users without tolltags are caught via their license tag, snapped by camera automatically when a violator is detected; an offender is simply mailed a bill (and, possibly, a hefty fine).

For frequent users, like residents, this is not much of an issue, but for out-of-state drivers, its a pain, because it forces the purchase of a minimum-value tag that will literally take years to exhaust. For frequent drivers to multiple states, the proliferation of multiple tags becomes a silly impracticality very rapidly. Seems to me some sort of interoperability is essential. Last time I checked, a minimum-value TollTag in Dallas was something like $50, which is ludicrous for me for a one-time-at-most-per-year visit. If I were an owner of an Oklahoma PikePass, it would be great for these two systems to talk to each other, and just exchange usage/toll information.

So....I had read that some states were working on interoperability of these systems. Anyone here know of any progress on these kinds of plans?