Quote Originally Posted by bluepickle View Post
I love people that complain about the city not being pedestrian friendly and then in the same voice complain about the parking in Bricktown. Bricktown has plenty of parking, and a ton of parking adjacent to it. Not only that but it is the most pedestrian friendly place in the city. And don't tell me it isn't "safe". There is a constant police presence in B-town and cameras on every corner. You have to walk to get to places in B-town, isn't that what all of you urban utopia people want?
Well, the problem is, not enough people live in the immediate area to avoid the need for parking. People who live outside the core need to drive in if they want to enjoy the area, therefore, we need to work on overall walkability, especially from parking lot to commercial area. For example, Main Street is quite dark and seems imposing - perception is a key in many issues. As much as we can tell people it's ok, they won't believe it. They won't go experience it if we don't work on the visual aspect in order to alter their perceptions. Seeing is believing...