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Sounds like she is in a mid life crisis. Intrepid, when you left your first wife, how did you want to be treated by her? That is probably the way your new wife wants to be treated by you now. As harsh as that sounds. I think most people leaving don't want to be reminded of the hurt they are causing another person. Right now you will hurt and feel so horrible but you have to keep reminding yourself that it will pass and every time you cry or hurt you are getting one step further along in the grief process. Look at Leon, he is feeling much better when a short while ago he was really sad. Give it time and know that it will get better and you will feel better. Just take one day at a time and get through it the best way you know while surrounding yourself with loved ones and friends. Today's a great day to get out and walk the dog ( or buy a dog) just to get out and go see the boat races and check out all the little hotties in Bricktown :-) I hope you feel better soon!