One of my problems is that I start a series but don't get around to finishing it for a long while ... and the Reinhart series is exhibit #1. I did Part 1 and Part 2 in May 2008, more than a year ago, and have just now gotten around to doing Part 3, and Part 4 hasn't yet been done but it will probably be my next article. Part 3 is here: Doug Dawgz Blog: The Reinhart Legacy Part III ? Churches

Reinhart & Donovan built numerous downtown (and other) buildings, many of which are still standing (e.g., Plaza Court, 100 Park Avenue, many others) and some of which are gone (e.g., the Biltmore Hotel). That stuff was covered in Part 2.

Part 3 focuses on the churches that the company built, in and out of Oklahoma. But, in the main, it focuses on 2 church buildings constructed in Oklahoma City in the 1920s ... Our Lady's Cathedral, and, receiving much more attention, Little Flower Catholic Church on Walker just north of Capitol Hill.

Click on images below for larger views.

Our Lady's was constructed in 1922-23 by the company:

The company built Little Flower on South Walker in 1927.

I've tried to present a mix of historic and contemporary photos for these 2 churches, particularly Little Flower. Enjoy the show!