Quote Originally Posted by possumfritter View Post
What proof is there that the "universe is expanding?" Our eyes can only see so far, but if we look up into the cloudless sky we never see the end to that which we are looking at...do we? To say our universe is expanding, is that only because of the telescopes and planetary vehicles we have designed and placed in space to look further out into space then what our eyes can actually see on their own? In other words, the machinery is assisting us to bring into better view that which we already see but can't distinguish.

I don't know that our universe is expanding/growing...only our ability, with the assistance of some machinery, to reach further out ito it.

Without a doubt, our "knowledge" of our universe is expanding.
The expanding space theory is basic cosmology at this point... the expansion has been measured by astronomers across millions and millions of light years. It has been mathematically "proven." I won't go into the massive amount of technical details, but if you are curious you can read about it here:

Metric expansion of space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is also a follow-on theory known as the "big crunch" that states eventually the universe will stop expanding and be pulled back in on itself due to the effects of dark matter. Perhaps we'll end up back at that singularity point once again, only to explode in another big bang and start over.

Professor Dr. Stephen Hawking has written several books on the subject that are actually somewhat entertaining to read.