Hi all,
I hope this doesn't qualify as Spam but we need to get the word out on this event.
There is a tea party being organized for the Fourth of July at the State Capitol. Completely non partisan, many of us think that both parties got us into this mess. The goal is to show the government and the media that ordinary folks are fed up with the defict spending and the bailouts.
The event is just now being organized, we have the permit, but volunteers are needed to help organize and we have a list of items needed for the event. We also need as many people as possible to spread the word to friends and family or post on as many forums as possible.
We have a website, Sooner Tea Party and the next meeting is tomorrow night at 6 pm in Moore.
and if you can help out, please contact me al"at"thecarpentershop.net (remove the "at" and replace with the @ sign, darned spam bots)
Al Gerhart