As I stated above, I have no problem with BWW over-hiring for a grand opening, as that just makes good sense...I do have a bit of a problem with the way they seem to be running off the over hired staff by treating them poorly...its just bad business.

furthermore, I understand discounts and benefits are up to the franchise owners. Not offering any benefits at all to their employees can be viewed as an example of the owners greed and callousness by some, especially taken in consideration with the other wacky stuff going on there. Like the decision not to submit their first three days of training to payroll two weeks ago because they decided that it would be better to issue one check for training as opposed to two. Some people were expecting a small check but were told they'd have to wait another two weeks.

Youre right, the inner-workings of a new wings franchise are small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, and food service work does suck, been there, done that. But some of us who have some roots in Del City are/were excited about the developments taking place on Sooner Road...It aint exactly the coming of Burger Barn (Gilbert Grape) but its the first of many new businesses to open in that center and, although they appear to be doing very well financially at the start, I thought it might be important for some to know what appears to be going on behind the scenes...perhaps more so for Del City residents and perhaps I should have posted this in the DC/MWC folder but my intention in posting here was to get a wider audience to answer my stated question of if anybody has had similar experiences working for the BWW at other locations across the metro.

Three managers have quit/fired. I wonder if they were viewed as part of the problems, or if they left because they recognized the problems?