One thing I've noticed, which I'm sure is a consequence of the variability of franchisee implementations, is that a DQ store in one county may be a borderline dive, but one down the street may be really, really nice. I recall one store I visited in a suburb of Atlanta, and it was spit-and-polish clean and sharp looking, while one I has gone into in Gainesville, Florida was a pit.

I know folks have varied opinions of McDonald's, but one thing I remember from a relative that used to work in one was that one thing that "corporate" McDonald's wouldn't tolerate from a franchisee were reports of dirty stores. They sent out "undercover" corporate monitors to franchisee stores periodically to assess their compliance with corporate rules, including cleanliness right down to the bathroom toilets. Now I'm not saying there aren't dirty McDonalds stores, but there is at least an intent to keep the places clean with an awareness of corporate consequence....don't think Braum's does anything like that.