Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
I want the kids' family to be reading this. I want the DA to be reading this. All of the posts on this topic.

1. I will not vote for that DA ever again. Wes Lane was bad, David Prater was given a chance and HE BLEW IT.

2. Those kids deserve to be shot at, armed or not, they were violent and attempted to rob.

3. I'd love to be on the Jury and find the man NOT GUILTY.

4. I'm amazed at how the DA create their own version of what happened.

5. GMWISE is correct on the term >> D...A...


Was there cameras in the store?
Read the affadavit. Coming back, retrieving a different gun and unloading it in a half dead kid was beyond self defense.

Yes there was video and it is a complete 180 from erslands statement to the media. If he would of not came back and continued to fire at the kid he wouldnt have been charged.

Cold blooded 1st degree murder .. No , bad choice after the initial gunfire ... yes.