It came on after American Idol last night. It will be a new show starting officially in the fall, but they showed the pilot yesterday. At first glance, I found it kind of odd that they would show a pilot so many months before the show begins. However, the pilot is sandwiched between the finale of American Idol and the premier of So You Think You Can Dance which fits the demographic perfectly (I'm guessing) for Glee.

The description from Wiki:

"Glee is a musical comedy television series that airs on Fox. It focuses on a high school show choir set within a high school in Lima, OH."

I thought it was very good. I'm looking forward to this show. I'm hoping the ratings show well. Out of curiosity, I checked last night and one of the songs featured on the show was already the #7 downloaded song from iTunes. Hopefully that bodes well for the show.

Anyone see it? What did you think?