I just finished creating a beast. I just had to brag somewhere, and this seemed to be a good place.

Intel quad core Q8300 (would have preferred the new I7 architecture, but had the 8300 laying around)
4 gigs ram (will up to 8 after I upgrade to 64bit)
BFG 285 Graphics 1g of DDR3
Thermal Take tough power 750w
1.25 TB of HD
Creative XFI Platinum w/front panel
Thermaltake Case

I'm waiting on the display, a 60" Mitsubishi DLP 120hz big screen! (already bought, waiting on delivery to my new house June 1) 3D ready! Resolution via HDMI 1920x1080.

Wireless desktop (matching revolution mouse/kb setup)
Logitech X25 steering wheel (super nice!)

I'm going to see how stuff runs with XP for a while, then upgrade to Vista Ultimate 64 (already have)

I'm looking forward to some couch computing. LOL