I am in the middle of refinacing my home, i am new to all of this, so the people i am going through seems to be giving me the run around, Last week they told me my house was appraised and is good to go, we gave them all the paper work that they needed, well monday we called and they said we might close on may 21st, well i called yesturday and asked if it was for sure so i can give my work some notice that i might need a couple hours or so off. I was told that it is in the underwritting area and it usually takes about 7 business days, so i asked are we still planning on a may 21 closing? they said it looks like it, but they didnt give me a time or a for sure thing on the date. what to do? does it really take 7 business days for underwritting, i asked if everything looks all right and the mortgage person told me yes.