I've been listening to a lot of Mashups recently and was wondering if there were any good sites where Mashups were available for downlaod. Also if anyone knows of any cool ones they'd like to share I'd love to see/hear em.. The first two videos below are compiliations of several.

BTW There is some colorful language in some of these so dont watch them with the kiddos present.....like they haven't heard it before. Hope you like some of them. Thanks for any links or information.

YouTube - MTV Ultimate Mash Ups

YouTube - MTV Ultimate Mash Ups 2

And here are a few others just for fun:


YouTube - Let It Be Me - Shaggy Vs Beatles Mashup Video

YouTube - Mashup - Queen vs. Outkast - Hey We Will Rock You Ya

YouTube - Abba vs 50 Cent - Queen of Da Club

YouTube - Daft Punk vs. Kanye West: One More Time Refix

YouTube - MTV Mash Ups - Lynyrd Skynyrd vs. Nelly - Sweet Home