Did anyone see the news reports where a 747 accompanied by F16s flew low over Manhattan, this morning? Turns out it was a Photo Op for Air Force One but it scared the bejeezes out of a lot of Mahattanites, my daughter among them. Most of the downtown buildings ended up evacuating and the yahoos in charge didn't even give people a heads up that this was in the works.

What were they thinking?

My older daughter ended up calling my husband to see if he knew anything about it. He is in the aviation business and immediately speculated that it was President Obama, which made her feel a little better. She was really upset because she WAS upset. She didn't realize that this would affect her so much. We have conversations, regularly, about my concerns that they'll get caught in another terrorist attack and they think their mom is a worry-wart (they all live in NYC). To react the way she did (scared to death) shocked her. She never expected that she would have reaction.

It WASN'T President Obama but it was a Photo Op for Air Force One so husband was close.

I'd like to kick the butts of the idiots who didn't think it would be a good idea to let people know the photo op was planned. Imagine how much that cost all those businesses and the stress on their employees to have them out standing in the streets for a half hour or so, scared spitless, with no word as to what was going on.
