Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
What exactly are you laughing at progressiveboy? Many "risk-taking" concepts have done very well in OKC. It has nothing to do with how deep the pockets are or your presumption that we won't try "new" things (because French cuisine is so new ). The lack of French cuisine in OKC means that if it's done right and marketed properly, it will do well. New restaurants are just as likely (or more likely) to fail in your "beloved" Dallas. In fact, my favorite place to eat in Dallas did just that. It was a little Mexican-fusion place similar to Iguana. Food was excellent, ambiance as well. It just didn't work for whatever reason.
i'm kinda laughing at my self. It's because I drank the Dallas koolaid and I just love going on about my "beloved" Dallas. Just trying to be humorous, that's all.