Quote Originally Posted by danielf1935 View Post
Experts for the most part agree that in order for light rail mass transit to work, you need density, with that said, OKC is to large/spread out for light rail to even come close to being successful, with that said, the following is from the latest census:

Albuquerque Pop. 518,277 Land 180 sq. miles
Oklahoma City Pop. 537,000 Land 625 sq. miles

With these numbers, is easy for any one with common sense to see/understand why light rail will not work here.
Nope. Wrong again.

This density argument is getting old. Just because our city has lands extending and spreading out over 625 sq. miles, does not mean that our urbanized center encompasses that whole mass of land.

That's ridiculous. Our urban area is actually very similiar to Albuquerque. We only use roughly 1/3 of our land area for urban development, the rest is rural.

Get that straight.