Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
One sickness can put a person on the street. There are many reasons for poverty in America - including being a part of the working poor.

If you really believe your ridiculous comment about being poor in the USA you, my friend, are certifiable.

I have no intention on being brought back into the Oklahoma rightwing nuttery. God, I am glad I am out of that city. Not for the city itself - it's a great place, but the politics and religion are just so crazy as to almost be nothing but a sorry parody of itself. The city I grew up in, it's sad.
Solitude...you've never been poor, it is easy to determine from your comments. I've been poor...and I mean POOR. The vast majority of those people who are considered poor are poor due to their life choices. Anyone can climb their way out of poverty if they want to bad enough. I am all for helping someone when they are down, and besides giving about 55% of every dollar I earn in taxes to government entities, I contribute both time and money to worthy causes that assist those who need assistance. Some people actively choose to be poor. For those people, I have zero sympathy when they complain about their situation.

BTW...we're glad you're out of our grand city as well. Now, do something useful with your life, pay some taxes, serve your country, contribute to society.