I know many of you have been talking about development and urban renewal.

I stumbled across this a year ago I think I may have posted it on Oklahoma’s Own.

This is a development concept that Denver did with the old Stapleton airport. I think it makes a lot of sense. In fact it will be more than likely be the future of development in America. Imagine living somewhere to where everything is in walking distance. Imagine Work, School, Shopping, and Dining all nothing more than a short walk from each other.

This development is going to catch the eye of many companies looking to move or expand. I think OKC should try this concept. Maybe not on the scale Denver did but something similar.

Energy prices are going up every year. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea for every major city to do developments like this. Imagine only driving your car because you wanted to not because you had to.

Click on the link below and take a few minutes to explore the site and come back and tell me what you think.
