This has bothered me for a long time now and was wondering if other OKC folk are just as annoyed by it as I am. I am getting so tired of all 3 news stations breaking programming for HOURS just to report on a thunderstorm. Tonight is an excellent example. There is a wall cloud in Luther/Chandler area. There aren't even any tornados! All 3 weathermen have been on for over an hour when there really isn't anything to report. I think this is less about keeping us safe and more about egotistical grandstanding. Those weathermen are just trying to get air time for their overinflated egos. Gary England is the absolute worst about it.

If there is bad weather, break from programming now and then to give us an update or put one of those scrolling messages across the screen. But PLEASE stop completely interrupting broadcasts for hours on end just so you can have more television exposure. Is anyone else sick of this?