I've always been facinated with Urban Renewal and WP Bill Atkinson. Well, another Atkinson is at it again.

We've all seen the Beautiful Uptown Plaza and Oklahoma Journal Record Building on Key. After seeing some construction on the facade of another building over there, I shot an email over to Joseph Atkinson of North Star and it seems like that's them too. In a very short reply, they will be doing all the buildings over in that direction. I can't wait to see a newer improved area over there.

Now to only clear out the housing along 15th and turn it into a REAL upscale shopping area. Not like the business of Air Deport's '70's/'80's Retroness, or the cheap attempt at a town center on 29th.

If Joseph Atkinson is really related to Bill Atkinson, I wish him all the best in this endeavor. I'd like to see what a REAL attempt at doing something right the first time will look like. If it's anything like the Uptown Plaza, I can't wait.

And Yes, I am saying that our Town Center is cheap. Just looking at the roads, parking lots, and design. It's all cheap. Not to mention not that well thought out.