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Devon World Headquarters
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1.9 million gsf
Client: Devon Energy
Architect of Record: Kendall/Heaton Associates
Status: Schematic Design

Located in downtown Oklahoma City, Devon’s new world headquarters will create a new focal point for the company and the city by integrating civic-scaled spaces as a vital component of the development. The 1.9 million gsf corporate headquarters will consolidate the company’s Oklahoma City–based workforce into a single state-of-the-art facility and will be supported by numerous on-site employee amenities. The creation of a significant, beautifully landscaped park and plazas is a key element of the overall site strategy.

Rising 925 feet, the fifty-four floor office tower’s unique three-sided footprint allows it to be viewed from all of greater Oklahoma City. Each of the main faces is divided into two subtle facets and its triangular form is further articulated by a vertical feature wall recessed between each of the main faces. Typical office floorplates range from 25,000 to 28,000 gsf and have a clear ceiling height of ten feet and raised-access floors.

The tower’s curtain wall is composed of state-of-the-art continuous floor-to-ceiling glazing and a highly articulated mullion system. The uppermost portion of the tower tapers slightly to enhance its proportions and to produce an elegant, soaring form in the skyline. The three facades are chamfered to create a triangular form to reflect the sky and offer a subtly changing presence on the skyline. Illumination strategies respectfully enhance the drama of the tower on the nighttime skyline.

The focal point at the base of the tower is a six-story cylindrical glass rotunda which serves as the primary entrance and as a connecting hub for the entire complex. With a highly articulated structure, the rotunda will be a grand dramatic civic-scale space with glass walls, a series of balconies and skylit roof. It may also serve as venue for special events.

Creating a backdrop for the new park, a six-story podium contains 400,000 gsf for workspaces and employee amenities. A promenade extending the length of the podium creates a glazed interior corridor. At street level, the promenade provides access to various amenities, including several restaurants, and creates a series of intimate-scale indoor seating areas for dining and gathering overlooking the park.

A simple yet elegant 2 ¼ acre park and plaza acts as the foreground for the complex. At its base, the tower will be highly transparent and will allow pedestrians to view into the lobby as it appears to float in the reflecting pool that is bridged by the entry plaza. A cascading wall of water enhances the entry experience, projects the building’s geometry into the landscape, and buffers the park from the activity of the plaza and street.

A number of sustainable systems and technologies are currently being considered for the Devon project. The project has been registered with the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) program with the intent to achieve LEED certification.