Hope Theatre Co. will be presenting Anne of Green Gables. The Classic tale of a young girls journey from an orphan asylum to Prince Edward Island. Come laugh, cry and celebrate with Anne and all her friends! October 24,2008 @ 7PM and October 25,2008 at 1PM and 7PM. Reserve your tickets now! No payment due till week or night of!
Check us out at at HopeTheatreCo.com.

** HTC is currently looking for EXTRAS! We need young people 14-25 to fill in "space". These will be non-speaking roles. I.E. Butlers,maid,farmers, school kids etc. If you are interested contact us this week!

** HTC is also looking for Ushers,ticket sellers,back stage crew and business's willing to advertise our production with a small Flyer or brochures at their location.

If interested in ANYTHING in this posted, whether volunteering,becoming an Extra or reserving tickets, please contact the Director Angela Barrett @ HopeTheatreCo@mac.com or the website HopeTheatreCo.com

Thanks! We hope to see you and your families out for a GREAT night of Family entertainment at its best!

Founder/Director HTC