I was actually away for the weekend. Took a 2 day trip down to Dallas for the Easter holiday. I wanted to comment on my recent trip.

Most of my comments are negative, so I suppose I'll start with th epositive comments. Dallas has an extremely nice commuter rail system. It's grown since last time I was there, thoroughly impressed with the expansion of the DART system. As usual, Dallas offers a great shopping experience, which was one of my main reasons for going. Of course, Dallas has a large airport, one of the largest in the world.

But, as far as everything else is concerned, I would rate Dallas below OKC on all measures.

We complain a lot here about the lack of concern for beautification in our city. After visiting Dallas, I was happy to get back to our city, noticing that our highways were actually cleaner than Dallas' roadways. Dallas is literally a sea of concrete; they haven't spent a lot of time or money on city-wide beautification.
Traffic is always horrible in Dallas....drivers drive like Redneck maniacs.
I honestly like Bricktown better than Dallas' West End. The ballpark and canal add so much to our Bricktown area. Their trolley system downtown is impressive, but overall, I'd say their downtown is no nicer than ours. Strange, but I actually felt there was more life in our downtown area.
Dallas, like OKC, has no landscape, and no trees. It's actually quite ugly in the scenery department.

Dallas obvious seems so much larger than OKC and offers a greater selection of retail stores, but honestly, that's the only positive thing I could find in Dallas.

Will I go back to Dallas? Probably not for another 5 or 6 years!
Other than for sheer size, I don't see Dallas having any advantages over OKC in quality of life!