With three more Hurricanes approaching the states, it makes me wonder...

How many more times are they going to do this?

Federally funded transportation to federally funded shelters with federally funded food, medical care and supplies ....

What am I missing? Shouldn't they find a better way?

Maybe they should prevent people from building in these flood prone areas.

Are they doing all of this just because the levees still aren't repaired adequately enough to stop the flow of water?

Or is this something that will happen everytime a Hurricane looks like it might hit N.O.?

What about Florida and Mississippi and all the other coastal states and towns.. why aren't they going in to all these towns with busses to evacuate?

And why are we paying for all of this?

I'm trying to be compassionate because I do feel for those displaced, but I'm also trying to figure out if this is a patterned behavior we can expect everytime a hurricane is headed that way?

It's probably not even really an issue because I highly doubt after this 'cry wolf' forced evacuation, that many people will hop on the busses next time.