Ok here goes lets see if I can do this. I found this site from a friend who thought this site could maybe help me. I am a grandmother who's only grandchild has been kidnapped and I am desperate for help. He has been taken by DHS for the Adoption Incentive Bonus program. He was not neglected, abused or anything else but loved. They are mad at me because they tried to take him twice before and I knew they were breaking the law so they didn't get him. So they waited for me to go to work and then knocked on my door when my daughter answered they came in chased her through the house and ripped him right out of her arms. Since then they have lied to the judge(Larry D. Shaw) they doctored a drug test which I can prove. Now they want her to go to drug counseling for a drug problem they fabricated all this to keep us from Evan(my grandson). I never thought they could come in your house and just take children and put them up for Adoption just cause they want to I now know that is not true. DHS can do whatever they want and nobody will stop them because they are all scared. I am not scared I just don't have the law degree it will take to stop them. I did manage to fine one person in this town who wasn't scared and she agreed to put a piece of my story on T.V. if you follow this link you can see it.
YouTube - Oklahoma DHS Corruption