I've been looking at getting a new camcorder and am going back and forth on which format to use. Right now I'm leaning toward the Canon HV30 that uses the HDV format on miniDV tapes. But I'm afraid of blank tapes becoming more difficult to find. Hopefully that's an unfounded worry.

Although I shoot and edit video in my job this will be for my personal use. One of the main features I'm looking for in a camcorder is the ability to record in 24p. That's why I'm leaning toward Canon (which also has AVCHD cameras that do the same). I really like the film look of 24p as well as Canon's Cinema Mode.

I've heard that AVCHD, although apparently the future of consumer camcorders, isn't quite "there" yet as far as a quality format. I've read that in addition to the quality not being on the same level as HDV that it also takes a lot of time and alot of horsepower in your computer just to encode and edit AVCHD. I've read of people with duo core, 2.5+ Ghz computers having a hard time with AVCHD. Some say you need a quad core processor to be able to handle AVCHD somwhat efficiently.

So has anyone out there used these formats? Are the horror stories of AVCHD true? What about the miniDV tapes? Should I be worried about these disappearing off of store shelves in the next several years? Anyone have experience with these cameras?

I anxiously await your replies.