Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
About the ONLY car commercials that don't make me want to carve my eyes and ears out with a rusty spork are the Automax ones with Paul Newsom.

Doesn't mean I don't still skip his commercials.
I'm horribly compulsive about commercials. They aren't allowed to be heard or seen in our house. Thank goodness for the MUTE and the fast forward on the DVR. If I go to a friends house to watch a baseball game or something I'll just get up and go to the kitchen and wait for someone to yell, "it's on!"

As far as the radio goes, I have a watch with a countdown timer set to 55 seconds.

It's better to miss part of a program than see/hear any part of a commercial.

Oh, I don't want them to be done away with. They pay for the stations and programming. After all free enterprise is very important.

I just refuse to watch/hear them, period.