Watching the NCAA tourny today, I couldn't help but keep commenting on how nice the Ford Center looked on national television. It really looks like a major league venue. Comparing it to the venue at Worchester was like comparing night to day, literally. Not sure what the problem was, but images from Worechester looked dark. The Ford Center floor looked bright and clear!

Also, whoever chose the design for our basketball floor and the color coordinations, did a fine job. I'm impressed.

I'd have to say the Ford Center was one of the nicest looking facilities for the first round that I've seen so far.

floater and Hot Rod....I know you probably saw regional coverage, but did you get a chance to see any of the coverage of the Ford Center?

Oh, one more comment. I do have a suggestion, for those city leaders that may be reading. I agree that we need to block off Reno Ave. between the Ford Center and Cox Center for an event like this, but can't we use something else other than orange Road Closed signs. On a trip to San Antonio a few year back, I notice that they used nice plastic baracades and temporary planters in some spots to block off streets for a short time. It might be something to look into.

Also, I would've like to have seen more festivities going on in the street between the two facilities. We needed vendors...a small carnival of sorts. I noticed that Brewer and company took advantage of the crowd and closed Mickey Mantle to set up entertainment in front of the ballpark! We needed this on Reno. as well!

Heck, let's just move up the Arts Festival, in conjunction with March Madness! lol!