Today through August 9th is the "USA Canoe/Kayak National Championships" on the river at the Chesapeake boathouse.

Photos are courtesy of USA Canoe/Kayak Multimedia Gallery You can go ere to get regular updates and pictures of the event.

The WSM "World Wakeboard Series" plans on holding its event on the southside of the Oklahoma River between Western and Exchange Avenues in early September. Yet another festivity under the river's growing list of economic ventures. We might be able to land this as a permanent event. I, personally have never heard of this type of event before, so I assume it isn't that big. But then again, its the WORLD series. =/

Of course, the Oklahoma City Regatta Festival/Head of the Oklahoma is coming up quickly in October, also at the Chesapeake boathouse Oct. 3rd throught the 5th.

Does anyone plan on going to the first event. Its already begun, and I haven't heard a thing about it! If you do, take some pics and share with the rest of us! =]