Made in Oklahoma: Lit Clothing

•Address: 200 S Oklahoma.
•Employees: Four.

•Principles: Owner Angela Thomas.

•Founded: 2003.

•Product: Clothing.

•Background: Don't confuse Lit with Lit Clothing.

One is a popular bar in Bricktown, and the name is pronounced as the current tense of "light.” The other is a clothing store just opened in Lower Bricktown and is pronounced as the past tense of light, as in "lit.”

Get it?

Both have been around several years, with clothing store owner Angela Thomas having gotten her start in south Oklahoma City.

"I actually trademarked the name,” Thomas said. "But it doesn't bother me at all — we just have people who can't pronounce the long ‘i' — or others who call here saying they lost their credit cards while out having a drink.”

Thomas said she built her shop with an offering of men's and women's clothing that appeals to a variety of demographics, from college age on up.

After being open three years, Thomas moved to Deep Deuce, where she spent another three years serving the growing downtown neighborhood before being approached by Lower Bricktown developer Randy Hogan.

At first she was reluctant to move. But she liked the idea of being next to Starbucks, and she looks forward to future new tenants including a sushi restaurant and a lounge being opened by her best friend. The building has 30 upscale condominiums and plenty of free parking.

And having the NBA arrive this fall at the nearby Ford Center isn't bad either, she said.

"We love the building and all the things going on here,” Thomas said. "We like being centrally located. They've done a great job developing Lower Bricktown and we wanted to join in.”

Business Writer Steve Lackmeyer

Angela Thomas, center, owner of Lit Clothing, stands in the store with employees Ashley Cable and David Guthrie. by steve lackmeyer, the oklahoman