a poster over at sonicsbeat.com suggested going to the US Dept of Patents and Trademarks and searching "The Professional Basketball Club" to pull up all the Sonics trademarks assigned to them. There are 30 of them. 2 of them are for the "Oklahoma City Supersonics" filed July 8th which coincides with the story from the NBA that they filed for the trademark on that name. Well, I checked on those names today and it now lists the "oklahoma city supersonics" as DEAD instead of LIVE. The abandonment date is July 15th, 2008 the same day that BBJ came out with the story. See for yourselves...

go to United States Patent and Trademark Office Home Page...On the left hand side menu select "trademarks"...Select "Search TM database"....select "Free Form Search (advanced search)"...Type in "The Professional Basketball Club" include the quotations...

You'll find all that you need there. I think they know that folks are checking this and I have a feeling we will know something really soon.