Okay, we all take Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Lortab, and whatever else for pain. Other than that, just how do these stuff actually work? Wasn't their purpose is to block the pain only? It seem that these stuff actually do more than just block the pain.

Few hours ago, I had pain started on my right arm, between the hand and elbow. I didn't take Tylenol for it, instead, I went to bed. Now, I wake up with more pain and the arm is basically so weak to raise and hold anything. I've just taken some Tylenols for it, so it would be about 30 minutes for it to start taking effect.

Why do pain never go away on it own without the help of medication?

When I get headaches, it will never go away, despite trying to sleep thru it for the headaches to stop, it just will not do that. When I take Tylenol, the headache goes away and never comes back after Tylenol is completely gone from system.

It seem that these medications have other purpose, beside blocking the pain. It seem that they actually target a specific problem and eliminate it.

The same can be said for leg cramps. It just doesn't go away until Tylenol zaps it.

I guess these stuff do more than just blocking the pain.