I grew up in the Wildwood subdivision off of NE 55th and Kelly. I was a kid during the 60's and have lots of memories of going to Springlake. I know a lot of you who grew up on the northwest part of town went to Wedgewood a lot, but I could walk to Springlake from my house in about 30 minutes. I loved that place. You would pay one price and get your hand stamped and ride all day and night. The Big Dipper and the Wild Maus would be illegal to operate today. I remember you had to brace yourself on the Big Dipper when it made its first turn after taking the 'big dip'; it dang near broke your neck! I always felt that some day the car I was riding on the Wild Maus was going to go flying off the tracks. Man, that was a wicked ride. Did any of you ever ride the Alpine Skyway and jump off once it crossed the lake and made its turn to come back? We did it all the time. My favorite inside ride was the Galaxy. I would ride it over and over. And the bumper cars! Can't forget those! Man, oh man, you would slam somebody on the side and their car almost flipped over! And how about the Fun House with all those crazy mirrors and those holes in the floor that would air blast you a good one? Wow. Those were the best days of my youth.

My aunt worked for the now long gone Oklahoma Journal newspaper. Every summer they would have their annual employee picnic at Springlake. That was a summer event I looked forward to every year. They would have barbecue catered to the picnic area and we could stay at the park all day and ride all we wanted.

I remeber a little of the few times I went to Wedgewood, but I don't recall their rides even coming close to the thrills that were at Springlake. I do remember that go cart track which was just west of Wedgewood at one time. That was later in the seventies when I was a teen. Those were really cool to ride. That was just past Meridian there on the NW Expressway. Back then I think everything past the go cart track was just fields. Wow. That was a long time ago.