Early this morning, firefighters were called to another fatal fire. This time, at least four people were killed. What killed these people? Burglar bars.

This makes ten people who have died as a result of these hidiously ugly, unnecessary things. They are an ugly eyesore that inprisons people and devalues property.

There are two things I did this morning as I woke up. I read an important message on the computer then started listening to the news. This morning, I also woke up to this tragic news.

Personally I do not understand why people continue to place their lives in such jeopardy. These bars need to be totally banned. I am tired of these events occuring. I wish the legislature would place an emergency on the bill before them, but really totally ban these bars.

Personally, I do not like the fact that if I had a kid and they wanted to go to a freinds house that had these bars, I would have to say no. Not as long as those bars are there.

I estimate the following. The loss of life is obviously something you can not place a monetary value on. However, for the price of a funeral, you can buy an alarm system and have it monitored for the rest of your life. Plus, what are the odds of an alarm system costing you your life?

Ten lives, maybe more lost in six months due to these bars. When will it end?

My heart goes out to the family of these people. This day is not as bright as a result of this event.