Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
Are you thinking of Sen. Inhofe? He has made some statements but I haven't seen anything from Istook.

Also, the Sec. of the Air Force has been quoted as saying this is a good deal for Tinker. There is only so much people on base can say publically but this is a great thing for Tinker (if passed).

“This is a significant benefit to Tinker Air Force Base. I see the quality of productive life for Tinker enhanced for years to come.”
Secretary of the Air Force
Then why doesn't the Air Force simply BUY IT at fair market value? Right now, the United States is fighting a war in Iraq that is costing taxpayers $341.4 million per day. Quick math tells me the whole GM thing could be purchased for about 4 hours of this war in Iraq. Using county taxpayer money is NOT how we finance national defense and facility upgrades/expansion for the pentagon. Follow the money.