Quote Originally Posted by baybay4ev View Post
I used to think Teds was great, I went to it because everyone was always raving about it. But through friends and work, I started going to other mexican restaurants and no offense Teds, but I haven't been back to Teds since!! San Marcos is now my favorite. Acapulco was my favorite, it was in a really bad location though so it's closed, but man it was good food. Anybody else go there when it was open? It was right off I35 on Hefner.
When my wife and I first started dating, we went to Ted's regularly. I am not a huge Mexican food fan, but it was good, the service was very good, and so it became a de-facto favorite. Now, about 14 years later, we finally gave up on Ted's as their portions shrank and their prices went through the roof. We looked forward to the lcoation on S. Western, but finally got to the point where we looked at the prices on the menu and couldn't justify it anymore. There are other very good places for less money. No offense to any Ted's fans here, of course; we've just made a different choice.

We might still go there once in a very great while, but it simply is no longer a family standard as it once was. When *my* wife* won't go to a Mexican restaurant, you *know* something is out of whack
