What are you most fired-up about in terms of OKC developments? These can be in-progress, proposed, planned, rumored, on life-support etc. I'm thinking top 5. Another lame list post that will die in 5 seconds, oh well here goes:

1. Flat-iron. An old building wrapped in a cool new structure. At $15million, this will really jump out at anyone taking the 6th street exit into downtown.

2. India Temple. Very possibly dead in the water, rumor has it the original facade of the building is intact underneath its dystopian shell, added when robocop was filmed in downtown OKC. Formerly a Kerr-Mcgee property, it is now owned by Sandridge and allegedly may not fit into their master plan for the block.

3. Western Ave. Master Plan - Chesapeake. What don't they own? Hopefully it's not a gas field. Either way it's going to change everything.

4. The Hill. I'm warming up to it. The quality looks like it will be good, still up in the air on the layout.

5. Edgemere Park House, Mesta Park House. One by Randy Floyd and the other by Grant Gunderson, respectively. 2 unique houses going up in the old hoods confirms the overall trend of the move back to the city and revitalization of the historic districts.