Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
"New tax dollars" means more taxes, and the debt "transferring to the state" means putting perhaps a billion in new debt on Oklahomans. That would require at a minimum a majority vote of both houses and the Governor, and voting for those things would be political suicide.

As for "infrastructure acquisition," roads are cost centers, not profit centers, and the cost of turnpikes is currently paid by tolls. Your plan would shift that to Oklahoma taxpayers. Again - a nonstarter.
I mean all of what I suggested is never going to happen anyway...it's just talk. But you're right, it would take a LOT of conversations to sell that. And i don't disagree that there's not much will to do it. We're all too happy complaining about the tolls and OTA to look at changes. You say "new tax" in Oklahoma and everyone goes bonkers, even if it's for their own interests. But hey, that's people. It's not unique to Oklahoma either. Just look at what happened in California back in the early 00's under Brown. The whole dang state about went bankrupt over people refusing taxes.

It's just a "what if" folks. Calm your panties.