Quote Originally Posted by citywokchinesefood View Post
Several people upthread have absolutely **** on this concept, disregarding the fact it has worked in other cities. If you want to speculate and reap the benefits of both public and private investment in the community, you need to contribute more to the community. Personally, I would much rather see a lot be developed into something positive for the community rather than left vacant for 30 years. I understand that the real world is not Sim City/City Skylines, things have to be developed and expanded at a rate that the market allows. If property owners like Mazaheri are allowed to simply disregard the terms of their agreements with the city what is the point of all of this? He is sitting on some of the most desirable real estate in the entire state. Can any of you honestly say that an outside group would not develop his holdings on the West side of the park? The entire point of MAPS was to increase the quality of life of the residents of this city and to make it more marketable. Many of the projects we have all voted for have been passed because the citizens of this city have in good faith believed if they are willing to invest in this city so would private investors.
Agree 100% - Good post.