Quote Originally Posted by bamarsha View Post
My original question was in response to "not wanting a car at all". That is what I would have a hard time wrapping my head around. I guess I just do too much of a variety of things (though it certainly doesn't seem that way anymore). I understand not using your car much, but still having one to use. However, not having a car at all would greatly limit your employment options (unless remote work continues, though this seems to be slowly trending down, maybe to hybird level at most). Also, shopping for a family, not sure I want to carry 30 bags full of groceries for a good distance, or eating at the same 10 restaurants all the time. I understand some walking is good for you, but not when the heat index is 120ºF or wind chill is -20ºF. It's thing like this is what I was asking about... "not wanting a car at all". Are the housing options really that affordable in these areas that a grocery store or restaurant job can support you?
We have multiple grocery delivery services. We have buses. We have Uber and Lyft. We have bicycle lanes. People have motorbikes and scooters. Expand your imagination a bit, bro.